(916) 453-1400

40 Yard Dumpsters

40 Yard Dumpster Rental

At Waste Removal & Recycling we offer the cleanest and safest dumpster rental in the greater Sacramento area. They are always freshly painted and clean so they look well maintained at your job site or in your driveway. You will always be delivered a professional looking box.

Dirt and concrete are only allowed in our 10 yard dumpster.


On-time Delivery & Pickup


Safe & Well Maintained


Contact Us for Current Pricing

40 Yard Dumpster

40 yard dumpster rental Sacramento
Size: 22 ft x 8 ft x 6.5 ft
Dumpster Details
40 yard dumpster
This dumpster is the most economical for any large size project and is designed for construction and demolition debris, scrap metal and bulky green waste like brush and trees.


  • You can fit an entire Ford F250 inside this dumpster
  • It has two (2) swing-open back doors
  • Designed for large projects
  • Ideal for house and job site clean-ups as well as hauling composition roof tiles and similar projects
  • Dirt and concrete are only allowed in our 10 yard dumpster.
Items We DO Haul

items we do haul  Heavy Materials – Dirt, Rocks, Asphalt, Concrete, Stucco


items we do haul  Construction Debris – Drywall, Studs, Sheetrock, Plywood, Wiring, Pipes, Insulation, Cabinets, Carpet, Flooring

items we do haul  Roofing Materials – Roof Tiles, Shingles, Gutters

items we do haul  Recyclables – Paper, Cardboard, Wood, Fencing

items we do haul  Green Waste – Trees, Shrubs, Leafs, Sod, Mulch

items we do haul  General Clean-up – Garbage, Bikes, Toys, Lawn Mowers, Storage Sheds, Hot Tubs, Furniture

  Appliances* – Any kind of Appliance, large or small: Refrigerators, Freezers, TVs, Computers and Computer Monitors (*additional fee required)

 Tires* – Tires of different makes and sizes (*additional fee required)

Items We DO NOT Haul

items we do not haul Liquid Chemicals – Paint, Antifreeze, Oil or Oil Containers, etc.


items we do not haul Propane Tanks – Propane Bottles, Tanks, Cylinders, etc.

items we do not haul Chemically Treated Wood – Railroad Ties, Pressure Treated Wood

items we do not haul Lighting – Mercury Thermostats, Fluorescent Lights

items we do not haul Perishable Foods – Restaurant and any other kind of Food Waste

items we do not haul Batteries – Neither Auto nor Household or any other kind

items we do not haul Biohazards & Medical Waste – Sharps (needles, scalpels); Prescription Drugs, etc.

Which Dumpster is Right for Your Job?

Let Tony tell you if a 10-, 20-, or 40-yard dumpster is the right size for your job:

Customer Testimonial

Click here to read all testimonials.

Tony and his crew are ready to haul anytime we need them. We sometimes have to haul away more than a truck full of trash and debris from the job site. Waste Removal and Recycling comes over and takes it for us multiple times if needed! They don't leave any mess behind either which I like since it ensure I'm doing a good job too! Thanks Tony we will be using you, not those big name companies.
Greg Fox Avatar
Greg Fox

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